A list of JAGS modules

The ability to easily extend Just Another Gibbs Sampler (JAGS) with custom modules specified by the user is a huge strength of the software, and some of these extension modules are also available online for general use. A useful tutorial article on how to write these modules is provided by Dominik Wabersich and Joachim Vandekerckhove, available from here. One of the more challenging aspects of this is correctly setting up the build configuration, but this can be partly avoided by using an R package as a wrapper for the JAGS module. See the source code for the runjags package for an example of how to do this (the important files are congifure.ac, and everything in the src folder).

The purpose of this page is to maintain a list of the modules that are currently available with links to where they can be downloaded. It is currently quite short, so if you know of an extension module that is not on this list please contact the maintainer of the runjags package (see here for contact details) so that it can be added!


The following modules are available to be installed directly within JAGS, and should therefore be available to JAGS processes called from the command line as well as within R (including all methods within the runjags package).

ParetoPrior: this is a standalone version of the JAGS module within the runjags package, which implements the same distributions - currently the Pareto family (including Du Mouchel's prior) and the Half Cauchy distribution

jags-wiener: this module provides wiener process distribution functions, mainly the Wiener first passage time density

JAGS ALCOVE module: this provides functions to enable a bayesian analysis with the ALCOVE model


The following modules are available as R packages, and will therefore only be available using the rjags package (including method='rjags' and method='rjparallel' with the runjags package) and not to JAGS processes called from the command line.

runjags: this implements the Pareto family of distributions (including Du Mouchel's prior) and the Half Cauchy distribution

RWiener: this module provides wiener process distribution functions, mainly the Wiener first passage time density


The external links provided are for information only, and should not be construed as an endorsement of fitness for purpose!

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